Dr. John N. Briere

John Briere, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences

Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California


Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/johnbriere

A past president of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), John Briere is recipient of the Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Science of Trauma Psychology from the American Psychological Association, the Robert S. Laufer Memorial Award for Scientific Achievement from ISTSS, the Presidential Award for Contribution to Methods from the Association for Scientific Advancement in Psychological Injury and Law, and the William N. Friedrich Lecturer: Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Child Psychology from the Mayo Clinic. He is co-developer (with Cheryl Lanktree, PhD) of Integrative Treatment of Complex Trauma for Adolescents (ITCT-A), an evidence-based treatment program for socially marginalized, multiply traumatized adolescents and young adults. John is author/co-author of over 140 articles and chapters, 15 books, and 9 trauma-related psychological tests. A long-term student of Buddhist psychology, he has been Remote Faculty at the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy since 2013. His current research is focused on the relationship between complex trauma and social maltreatment (e.g. racism, sexism, cisheterosexism). 


 Alert: Two new books upcoming in Spring of 2025:

Briere, J., & Scott, C. (in press). Principles of trauma therapy: A guide to symptoms, evaluation, and treatment, 3rd edition.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Eadie, E., & Briere, J (in press). Psychological assessment of adult posttraumatic states:  Phenomenology, diagnosis, and measurement, 3rd edition.  Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.